Brenda Novak, artist (Brazil, Sao Paulo)

Brenda Novak and Marco Flores Fioramanti
With the collaboration of Theo Allegretti in live music

Performance Art gets visibility in the crossing points in between, when the
Art Market is in crisis. In the end of the last Free Performance Art Festival
on March 31 till April 1st , Brenda Novak and Marco Flores Fioramanti
start working together, from reflexions of the meridians of the body in the
Traditional Chinese Medicine system. Brenda comes from her BodyHouse concept project, and works as well as artist, as therapist with Tui-na Chinese massage. Marco has several perfomances already using meridians as an aesthetic idea, plus what is behind, or above, the skin.
They present their work in resonance of the mondial situation of our all bodies inside our houses, in the Pandemic Emergency getting resonances. We all have our bodies as an eternal limit of each life. They show the performance ENTRETIEMPO in this new online Free Performance Art
Festival in May 2nd. They are talking about healing, coming up inspired by Platoon Texts, specially the Myth of the Cave. They reflect about being inside the cave, our houses, in the circumstances that we all are now. The house now as prison, or creating a situation getting liberation of new possible levels of internal new states of aesthetic artistic communication. Each one at the proper house, getting connection in between visual elements that creates a poetical situation.

You can watch this  online performance on 2nd May 2020 on Fb pages of the artists:


Video Performance "FLOWING WITH THE WIND" Online ART PERFORMING FESTIVAL Art Comissary Gianni Nappa March April 2020 from CONCEPTUAL ART to GESTUALITY BODY HOUSE CONCEPT BODY-HOUSE is the way of existing inside me With the perception channelled to the experience itself In life, in the way of art, nature and spirituality, Reveals itself, in the subtlety of the concept Reflect; improve, and be free, flowing like the wind. This performance was born in the conversations between me and Consuelo, in the way of research the relation of the silk. I paint as useful scarfs, to be floating in the space, to get again art meaning, without intension of using. But only creating relation between body and space. Concept, painting on silk and performing action Brenda Novak Image and edit Consuelo Alberti

Brenda Novak, Sao Paulo, 1961. Multidisciplinary Artist: visual, graphics, performer, dancer, actress, singer, artisan, and teacher.
Massage body therapist and analyst. Invited artist, Performance Art at the Expanded Field, Artur Matuck and Mark Duncan
professors, ECA USP, 2019. Performance course Renato Cohen and CED Dance Study Center Helena Katz, Semiotic Program PUC
SP 2000. Post-Graduation special student Drawing and Graphic Arts, ECAUSP 1985-86. Garo Antreasian, speciality Lithography,
MAC and FAAP, 1985. Visual Arts Graduation, FAAP 1983, homologue Barcelona University 2011, MEC Madrid. Translator
interpreter assistant at Sao Paulo International Biennial of Arts: Fluxus Group 1983, Regina Silveira 1985, Canadian Artists and
commissaries John Tupper and Bruce Fergusson 1987. First individual exhibition, painting and objects, CAM Modern Art Centre,
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, BRENDA NOVAK catalogue 1989.
CONCEPTS Artist-Work, Body-House, Nomad Citizen, Migratory Bird. Brenda have as main focus of her visual work to rescue energy
of the movement in body language, projecting in the two-dimensional plane. Centred in painting, drawing, dance, writing and
singing. Goes from graphic to sculptural and installation, to craftsmanship. Draws in graphite on developing own technique
resulting in Sculpture-Drawing. Performance research in Dance-Drawing and Dance-Painting, Pure Dance, and rewrites and create
performing reads of Alice in the Wonderland. Art, nature and spirituality. Elaborates her language fusing supports and expressions
on vanguard renewals. Used body hair as visual element at her art work and performance element, questioning private and public,
woman beauty, social identity levels and psychosomatic collective environment. Has done 3 years Graffiti public urban
intervention Sao Paulo, 80’.
Exhibitions and performances in Brasil, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland and Denmark. Main Art Collections: Pilar and Juan
Miró Foundation Palma de Mallorca, Nacional Library Madrid; Private Collections Ariadne Grebler, Bel Pascoal, David Grebler,
Javier Muñoz Aceres, Milton Aire Portenoi, etc. Brazilian Contemporary Art Project, Charles Watson in Rio de Janeiro to all over
international Museum circuit.
Since 1989 lives in Spain; Barcelona until 2006 and since than till now in Formentera, Balearic Islands. Member Funder of IADMS
International Association of Dance Medicine and Science, Science Museum, BCN 1990. Marina Abramovic Assistant, Berlin
Barcelone 1991-92. Worked in the introduction of Comenius Project, education artistic integration project for children. Grants
Sotheby’s and Pilar Juncosa Graphic Arts, inauguration of Miró’s Graphic Studio, Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation, Mallorca 1994-
95. Research: Evolution of motion system in the animals, Educative, ZOO BCN. Joan Brossa cultural meeting, Barcelone 1995-98.
Created herself the Body Rebuilding contemporary dance method. Notorious Knowledge, granted by Dra. Nuria Massó, Arts
Medicine, Barcelona. Communication at the First Journey DMT Dance Movement Therapy of Portugal and Spain. In addition,
indicated to “Who is Who” CID UNESCO.
In Formentera works as artisan, teacher, performer and therapist. Art exhibition trilogy at AntoniTur Gabrielet Centre. Member
of San Ferran Artisanal Night Market. Barcelona main activities: Experience Barcelone Project 1992. Open Studio Circuits. Carles
Hac Mor Walking Magazine, CCCB eBent Performance Festival. Hair Quadrilogy and 1th Boom Connection collaboration with La
Fura dels Baus at Marató L’Espetacle. Represents Spain, Alice and her Invisible Friends performance, Theatre Investigation
International Festival, Italy, and Hair Forest Installation, The Sensorial Domain Project in Quartair Space, Hague, Holland. Solo
Singer IbaOlestars Orquestra directed by Agustí Fernandes. Collaborates at Joan Brossa last Happening, MACBA. Sao Paulo main
activities: Performatic Band of José Roberto Aguilar 1981. Contact Improvisation Concerto Plástico Digital, Eduardo de Melo
Pimenta, Fernando Zarif and Décio Pignatari, MASP. Starts solo career in performance, film, installation, and Graffiti. Main
collective exhibitions: And the Drawing of Dance in Humberto Tecidos, Galeria Unidade Dois, Sesc Paulista, A Hebraica, Funarte.
Takes part in the Space in Between, Marina Abramovic Terra Comunal exhibition, Sesc Pompeia SP 2015.

CONTACT Spain + 34 659 398 619

2021 - Argentina Cine Plus Performance Art